index - Institut de Recherche en Energie Electrique de Nantes Atlantique

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RADAR PENETRANT Direct Yaw Control Electrical conductivity tensor Anisotropy Control systems Droop control Commande Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control METHODE DE RESOLUTION Batteries Modular Multilevel Converter MMC Couches minces Time-frequency analysis Electrical characterization ESTIMATION DES TEMPS DE RETARD PZT Array signal processing Signal reconstruction Overplanting Electrical percolation Micro-réseau Induction thermography Insulation Chaos Active filter Sizing Parameter identification Large scale factor Distributed Energy Storage System Comparative study Power quality Doubly salient permanent magnet machine Commande vectorielle EPAISSEUR Defects Business ecosystem Equations Optimization CONTROLE NON DESTRUCTIF Active Front Steering Microgrid Chauffage par induction Control Control volume method CVM Adjoint variable method Home Electrical Appliances HEAs Commutation Deep learning BaTiO3 Anisotropic material Driving cycle Power generation Composite materials Hydrogen Condition monitoring Harmoniques Harmonics Mathematical model CHAUSSEE Energy management Conducting materials Magnetic fields Optimisation ESTIMATION Polarization Bifurcation Conductors Consensus control Energy storage COUCHE MINCE Charging effects Doubly salient permanent magnet generator DISPERSION Dimensionnement Problème inverse Autonomous Vehicles Inverse problem Distributed Galvanic Insulation DGI Finite element method Finite element analysis Homogeneous material Marine renewable energy Electromagnetic scattering by rough surfaces Modélisation Synchrosqueezing Eddy currents Distributed generation Curie temperature Percolation Distribution network Non Intrusive Load Monitoring NILM Reassignment ANALYSE SPECTRALE Modelling Anisotropie Direct-drive ALGORITHME Data fusion MIMO Modeling