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The Laboratory (french acronym IRCCyN)

IRCCyN, "Research Institute of Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes" is a joint research unit of CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), UMR CNRS 6597, primarily related to the Institute of Information Science and (INS2I), and the Institute of Engineering Sciences and Systems (INSIS) and the Institute of Biological Sciences (INSB).

Its local supervisory bodies are "Ecole Centrale de Nantes", "University of Nantes" and "Ecole des Mines de Nantes", member institutions of PRES UNAM ("Center for Research and Higher Education Nantes, Angers, Le Mans" ).

IRCCyN is a member of two research federations: AtlanSTIC (Federation of Research, Science and Technologies of Information and Communication, CNRS 2819) and IRSTV (Research Institute of Science and Technology of the City, CNRS 2488)

The scientific domains which are tackled within our 12 research teams cover a rather wide thematic spectrum, including:

The research groups of IRCCyN are :