E-Crini in two words : interdisciplinary and interculturality
Published by CRINI (Centre de Recherche sur les Identités, les Nations et l'Interculturalité), E-Crini is an electronic scientific journal which aim is to diffuse and highlight interdisciplinary research in civilization, literature, linguistics, didactics, translation and interpreting studies and cinema, on identities questions: linguistic, cultural, or national (with an historical or anthropological angle), across crossed perspectives. The laboratory essence is in its intercultural caracter.
E-Crini is in continuity of the founding principles which participated in the creation of the CRINI. His research activity is based on the tree following data:
- A specific rese arch fields, those of languages, foreign civilizations and cultures, thinks as an indivisible ensemble. CRINI doesn’t claim other strategic positioning, but claims an open one, who engage natural links with other disciplinary fields.
- A subject clearly identifies, in the scope of identities questions (linguistic, cultural, national -with an historical and anthropological angle), consider their construction, interactions (interculturality), re-composition until now.
- A definition of reasonable practices, which combines common actions, cross-disciplinary and sector-specific around this specific object unique and multiple, according to consistent and flexible logic; common project, research approach and linguistic area structured the activity with clarity, enable traditional or new approach in linguistic field : linguistic, literature, civilization and history, foreign languages didactic- but too discursive, translation and interpretation, imagologic…
Editorial Policies
General goals journal’s
The electronic journal E-Crini is linked to the internal research approach of the laboratory. With his creation, the CRINI members have a goal : to offer showcase of the research doing by specialists of foreign and intercultural cultures and languages (German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian) in a interdisciplinary perspective (history, civilization, literature, linguistic, didactic, translation and interpretation studies, cinema) and intercultural. dans une perspective interdisciplinaire (histoire, civilisation, la littérature, linguistique, didactique, traductologie, cinéma). The aims of E-Crini are :
- Diffuse knowledge of the scientific community to variety of publics;
- Create a meeting and thinking space between researchers;
- Diversify promotional tools of university research;
- Involve CRINI in the city life in an active way;