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General practice Prescriptions Apprentissage Antibiotic resistance Attendance Cardiovascular Artificial intelligence Prevention Beta-lactam resistance Proton pump inhibitors Breast tumours Cancer Cohort studies Chronic pain Anticoagulants Autoimmunity Acceptance time Acute Benzodiazepines Advance directive Qualitative research Acute kidney injury Codeine Addictive behavior General practitioners Public health Antihypertensive agents Agents antibactériens Deprescriptions Anxiety Chronic Primary healthcare Primary health care Pharmacovigilance Cervical cancer screening CCS Africa Shared decision making Cluster analysis Patient outcome assessment Retrospective study General practitioner Antibiorésistance Collaboration CD8+ T cells General medical journals Classification Patient safety Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Aged Breast cancer Bibliometric study Cancer screening Melanoma Cardiovascular disease and giant cell arteritis COVID-19 Drug interactions Anxieté Cardiovascular hospitalization City-hospital link Antibiotic stewardship Analgesics Clinical pathway Médecine générale Collaboration interprofessionnelle Screening Anxiolytics Antipyretics Organized screening programmes Deprescribing Bullying Skin cancer Baclofen Soins de santé primaires Déprescription Breast cancer screening Carrier Adherence Central Nervous System Prescription Mammography Clinical Behavior Early detection of cancer Adverse drug reaction Publication speed Audit Asymptomatic hyperuricemia Automobile driving Care pathway Pharmaciens Anterior cruciate ligament Decision aid Primary care Questionnaire Collaborative practice Antidepressants Systematic review Alcoholism Statins Cohort study